Thursday, December 4, 2008

Memo to Superintendent

Life Long Learners Institute

3.14 Aim High Lane

Motion, New Jersey 02468

Mary Giacomarro & Joel V. Thornton Telephone: (201) 527-4961

Council of Curriculum Development Fax: (201) 301-2546


Date: December 4, 2008

To: Barry A. Bachenheimer, Superintendent

From: Mary Giacomarro, Principal

Joel V. Thornton, Vice-Principal

Re: Proposed Curriculum Change

Education is the key element for success in our student’s lives. The future of our society rests in the hands of our students. To prepare our students for their roles in the current society and future we have proposed the following. We need to “UNLEARN” the passive learner in the mathematics classroom. We will apply a three-stage learning curve: CONCRETE à ICONCI à SYMBOLIC. Here our students will make the connection and understanding to the material being taught and apply that knowledge in the 21st Century.

The reason for the proposed curriculum change came from the following data. The Passing Rate for students in our school taking the HSPA Mathematics is 63.3% proficient and 16.6% advanced proficient. The state average for advanced proficient is 23.2%. The Passing Rate for students in our school taking the GEPA Mathematics is 61.5% proficient and 13.5% advanced proficient. The state average for advanced proficient is 22.5%. Our scores in the advanced proficient are below average. Our student’s performance is based on the CONCRETE and SYMBOLIC stages. Students never learn to make the connection of material learned and apply that knowledge to higher-order-thinking problems and real-life problems. Our current curriculum does not apply the ICONIC stage where the connection is made. Schools that applied the three-stage learning curve have improved advanced proficient on the GEPA Mathematics from 12.4% to 32.1%. The data clearly shows students who learn from CONCRETE TO ICONIC THEN SYMOBLIC have a meaningful understanding of knowledge that promotes success. When students make the connection, they are able to see the larger picture “The key to success is to risk thinking unconventional thoughts. Convention is the enemy of progress. As long as you’ve got slightly more perception than the average loaf, you could invent something” (Pink, 2005).

The three-stage learning curve: CONCRETE à ICONIC à SYMBOLIC will offer the teachers involved with an abundance of Professional Development. Each Professional Development session will focus on a different aspect. Such as team teaching, use of technology, alternate assessment methods and teaching to the 21st century classroom. Team teaching is one factor that assists the three-stage learning curve through teacher consistency. It is stated in a quote by James Surowiecki “A successful face-to-face team is more than just collectively intelligent. It makes everyone work harder, think smarter and reach better conclusions than they would have on their own.” We have received a grant through the Mathematics Association of Growth, to purchase textbooks, supplies, materials, professional development, laptops, smart boards and projectors. Also through the Mathematics Association of Growth grant, we will have a math tutor to help students with their homework and answer any questions for an hour after school each day of the week for the school year. Our student’s achievement will come from the connection made in the ICONIC stage. When our students make the connection, their success in life has endless possibilities.

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