Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My Introduction

My name is Mary Giacomarro. I work in Wayne, NJ as an 8th Grade Mathematics teacher. This is my third year in this district and I love it. My background is pretty diverse. My undergraduate degree is in Mathematics from Seton Hall University. After SHU, I went to New York Law School for one year. I did well there. However, during my summer hiatus, I decided that my calling was in education. After some agonizing discussions with my family, I left NYL and got my first job as a Math and Science teacher in a Catholic Middle School. Soon after, I earned my Teaching Certificate via Alternate Route and began teaching Mathematics at the high school level in my hometown. After about two years, I took a break in teaching in order to have my children. Then, decided to go back to work and have been in Wayne ever since. My career goals involve completing my Masters in 2009, and becoming a Mathematics Supervisor. Eventually, I would like to be a Principal or Vice Principal. I am taking this course not only to fill a requirement, but to also gain knowledge from the various professionals that I am taking this class with.

I am a Blessed single mother of two delightful children, my son who is five, and my daughter who is 2. They are the loves of my life. My son is in Kindergarten and my daughter just began Pre-K 3 (early). On her first day, I (as most parent's are) was feeling so anxious about sending her to school for a full day. My beautiful daughter turned to me and said, "Mommy, I independent, I a good girl." My heart melted and I left knowing that she was more than ready to be there. My son is involved in Sil Jun Do (a mixed Martial Art), hip-hop dancing in an all boys group of dancers, and swimming. He reminds me daily that he wants to be a scientist for NASA, and that we are going to move to Texas when he gets a job. He also reminds me that he does not want to be an astronaut, his interest is in the possibilities of life on Mars. We are contants on the NASA website (I have learned a whole lot too!) All of that from a five year old!


Barry Bachenheimer said...


It sounds like you have wonderful (and very smart!) kids! I always think that teachers make the best parents because we know how to ask good questions and have lots of patience.

Good for you for deciding that law school was not for you and more importantly, being happy with your decision. So many people it seems made a career choice and then lament the decision, yet do nothing to change it. Good for you for finding your calling!

sharon said...

Your children sound so cute! I am sure that it is very difficult for parents to leave their little ones on the first day of school! I am glad that you found your calling and decided to become a teacher instead of a lawyer. I am sure you are happier!

Jackie said...

I hate to sound repeitive but your kids sounds so cute. I like hearing the stories of people changing careers. I feel like the people I have met who have done that just really care about what they are doing.

Joe said...

Family is a large part of your life. I have the same belief. My family is the most important thing in my life.

Erica's Blog said...

I know everyone said how CUTE your kids seem...but I just think they seem like the COOLEST kids ever!!! I don't have kids of my own yet, but I am nervous about how people juggle between a job that they love, and their families. Many of the teachers I know run out the door at 3:15 to go to that baseball game, or to do a carpool. I'll take advantage of my life-before-kids for a few more years and then I guess I'll figure it out like everyone else does!

Maria Debowska said...

Just a quick personal note since I chuckled as I read your post. You mention you went to New York Law - guess they're good at ushering people away. The reason I say this is because my husband went there for a semester and he too decided it wasn't his calling. He's now a financial advisor.