Thursday, September 18, 2008

Standards...We all have them...

Although some view using the New Jersey Mathematics Core Curriculum Content Standards (NJMCCCS) as a daunting task, they really are an invaluable tool. These standards reveal a common goal for all Mathematics teachers in New Jersey. If utilized properly, the NJMCCCS can help guide a teacher (novice or master) in deciding how and what to teach. As part of the Mathematics NJMCCCS, there are numerous ways that teachers can help students cover all of the clusters and strands. I believe that the standards are most helpful to new teachers because they have the least experience on what the students need to accomplish. The NJMCCCS help guide and give examples that can clarify what is expected of the teacher and the students. However, I say this because I know and understand them. If I did not know my content area, I may not understand how to utilize the standards in my classroom. What I like best about the standards is that I know I can always look back and check what my students should have learned from previous years. It guides me. If the NJMCCCS are utilized in daily lesson planning, there is a better chance that your students will do better on standardized tests as well.

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