Friday, October 24, 2008

I believe...through the eyes of an eighth grader

I took "I believe" into my classroom of 8th graders. One of my students wrote this in under 10 minutes. Had I not had that extra few minutes in class...I never would have known what this student was capable of. Let's face it, I teach Mathematics...we rarely get to see this side of the students. So, I decided to put it to music and surprise her with a video of her writing. This video was shown to my entire school (grades 6-8) during a school-wide assembly. It will also be shown at our next faculty meeting. I must say that I am pretty excited for my student.


Maria Debowska said...

Mary, that is so great of you to do for your student (putting her words onto a video)! And, how great for you to see the capabilities of an eight grader from a different, non-Math perspective. This is what teaching and learning is all about - experiences that will be remembered and treasured.

Barry Bachenheimer said...

Great video (and great that it gets to be viewed by a wider audience!)

Erica's Blog said...

That is awesome!!! Congratulations!!!